Isaac: Isaac is the oldest member of the band. He's 21. He plays the guitar. He's kind of the mother of the group and he's the main thinker. He's very tolerable of Zac's annoying little querks because he's just not the type of person to let little things bother him. He's the leader.
Taylor: Taylor's the heart throb, but he's not superficial or stuck up. He's just naturally charming and extremely good looking. He's protective of his friends and siblings. He's goofy at times, but mostly he's the introspective one. He doesn't put up with as much of Zac's crap as Ike does. He's 18 and plays keyboard mostly for the band (but he plays several other instruments along with it).
Zac: Zac is the crazy kid. He's outspoken, loud, energetic, and goofy as all hell. He's gotten a little better since he turned 14, but he's still the wacky one by far, and he's got a little bit of a temper and a sarcastic streak to him. As of October, the little drummer boy is 16.
Liz: Liz is 20 years old and she's from Tulsa, Oklahoma. She travels around the world in the RV her grandfather sold her, stopping at every Hanson show on their tour and following them to their house in LA... Her mission in life, along with her best friend, Haylee, is to meet Hanson. She's the loud, blunt, outspoken one and she's protective of Haylee, but not overbearing. She's a clutz and has a bad temper and a sarcastic flair. She HATES Otown.
Haylee: Haylee is a bit more soft-spoken and doesn't like conflict much. She doesn't let people walk all over her, but she picks her battles and lets the less important arguments go. She's a little bit shy, but cheerful and friendly for the most part. She and Liz are a combination of my friend Jessica and I. We were always joking that we were going to get an RV and follow Hanson on their tours, and they'd end up falling in love with us and marrying us. ;) So I decided to put the RV in as a little inside joke and a nod to our pitiful dream. ;)
Lou Pearlman: I have NEVER liked this guy... EVER. From the minute I saw him on TV putting together LFO (I think), I couldn't stand him. He seems like a very sick man and I think he's evil. HE is quite possibly Satan. That's why I thought he'd be the PERFECT super villain for my cheesy story. :D
Otown: I'm terribly UN-fond of them too. It's bad enough that Pearlman "creates" bands, but he actually put the process on television and made money off of that too... Sick, sick people. They're talentless. I really can't find one good thing about them, although Ashley is a little bit cute, so I almost hope he wises up and ditches Blowtown. It's rare that I so totally dislike a group, so I thought they'd work GREAT for the robots... The whole thing just kinda came together that way...
N'Sync: I'm not really a fan of theirs, although "Dirty Pop" is one of my all-time favorite guilty pleasures. They're trying. They really are. They got away from Pearlman, and they're starting to write their own songs and stuff like that. I watch them on interviews and I always think they're soooo funny and they're sweet guys. Plus it all just tied in with the whole Lou Pearlman thing... They seem like they're fighting the good fight in the long run. Even if Justin Timberlake IS dating Britney Spears. *gag*
Bono: I don't have anything against U2. In fact, I think they're awesome. I love their music. I always loved that Bono used to call President Bush from his sold out tour back in the early, early nineties and gripe out his secretaries and stuff for not putting him through to the President. ;) The reason I put him in the way I did is because I have a friend who's terrified of Bono. She says he scares her. I know Hanson are U2 fans, and Taylor has in fact admitted it publicly (on, but it was just too funny. Inside joke... Besides, that PICTURE! lol...
Nick Carter: This is for Jessica. ;) I'm not really a Backstreet Boys fan. I'm not nuts about them or their music, but I don't hate them and I respect the fact that she likes them, and I also enjoy singing along to certain songs of theirs from time to time. ;) Nick is Jessica's favorite. I had to put him in because Jess is the coolest and it was too perfect. Again, also, the whole Pearlman thing... It all ties up.
(Please remember that this is, in fact, fiction. That means it's NOT TRUE. None of it really happened and a lot of it is just my crazy imagination going overboard. Enjoy it for what it is - just a bunch of silly crap. I hope it makes you laugh. Thanks for reading.)