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The music I can't shut up about...

Sometimes it seems like keeping a secret is TORTURE. I listen to this music and I fall in love with every note. I can't keep them to myself. I want EVERYBODY to know what I'm talking about.



Okay, smack me around for never having heard of this chick until this week.

Full Name: Jessica Leigh Harp

Age: 20 (February 3, 1982)

Currently Dwelling In: Kansas City, Missouri

What She Does: Plays the guitar (MAH-velously!), sings (does she EVER), and writes her own stuff.

Sounds Like: The strong vocals and lyrical soul-bearing of Jewel, the smart, sassiness of Sheryl Crow, the vocal acrobatics and smoothness of LeAnn Rhimes, and a little Alanis Morissette wisdom all rolled into one. It's moody southern folk rock with major attitude.

Lyric I love:

From "Stay"

"Friend told me I'll lend you some change / Go find out who's calling your name / Leave your goodbyes on my doorstep tonight / Don't mind what's wrong, just go and set it right / Last boarding call to LA / Take your tickets here, right this way / Don't care if I become a star / I just wanna play my guitar"

Site: (click on her picture to be
magically transported there)

Features: Photos, mp3's, lyrics, tabs, fanclub, message board, chat, Journal, and BUY THE CD!!!

Songs to D/L: If you go to her site, I'd say it's gotta be "Sound of Goodbye." If you have an mp3 search engine like Morpheus or Audio Galaxy, download "Shortage of Angels." It'll blow you away.

CDs: "Preface" is due out any day now. Can't wait. You can preorder it on her site.

She's currently an unsigned independent (which I just canNOT understand), but she's on her way.



Admiral Twin

Members: From left to right, Brad Becker (keyboard, saxaphone, accordian, vocals), Jarrod Gollihare (drums, vocals), John Russell (bass, vocals), Mark Carr (guitar, vocals)

Age: Mid-thirties

Currently Dwelling In: Tulsa, Oklahoma of COURSE!

Site: (again, the picture above is a magical portal to this link)

Features: Stories (tour Journal from their travels with Hanson on the Albertane Tour) is HILLARIOUS, pictures, lyrics, merchandise, bio, fan club

Sounds like: A crazy cross between Green Day's mellower songs like "Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)" and maybe a little bit of a Weezer-ish feel to some of it. It's hard to find a decent comparison because they really are so different from everything else I can think of.

The music is delicious. Not too sweet, but pop for sure. It's fun and lively, with plenty of catchy, whimsical lyrics that are cliche-free and never simplistic of obvious.

Lyrics I love:

From "Such a Saint"

"She digs holes in heaven and then laughs / When I catch a glimpse from way down here / I'm crawling up the lampost like a worm / She flips the switch and leaves me blind / I've known evil mean bad people / Kinder than that / If you're such a saint, reprieve me / I've known traitors and deceivers / Kinder than that / If you're such a saint, don't leave me..."

CD's: Released several independently under the name Mellowdramatic Wallflowers before changing their name around 1997 to Admiral Twin, after Tulsa's only drive-in theater. Independent "Unlucky" is available occasionally on ebay and may still be for sale on the site. "Mock Heroic" is available on,, and several other CD store sites. You may get lucky and find a copy or 2 in stores, but it's not very likely.

Songs to D/L: "Inclement Weather for Eustice and Isadore" is one of my favorites. I also LOVE "Dancin' On the Sun" because they really are best LIVE. Since they don't have any music downloads on their site, I've taken it upon myself to dig a couple up and display them for you to download here:

Eustice and Isadore mp3

Dancing On the Sun mp3