Fwends Indeed!


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The results of a survey Jess and I took... She filled it out about me and I filled it out about her...

You may or may not notice the dorkiness of this page... LOL... We know we're dorks. But why be normal when you can be INTERESTING???


My Answers Bout Jess:

2. Where did we meet?: We first met in a hanson chat on yahoo, but we met in person at the airport in Tulsa, Oklahoma on June 8, 2001

3. Take a stab at my middle name: ChristinA, with an "A"

4. How long have you known me?: um... close to a year... since around february (your first email to me is dated in march)

5. How well do you know me?: i think i know you pretty dang well :D

8. When you first saw me, what was your impression? i looked at you and wondered if it really was you because i thought you looked like your picture, but I was so happy that i didn't think it would EVER really happen, so when i saw you and you recognized me with the sign that said "Jessica Roberts, I am Queen of DORKS!", i got all happy and excited and couldn't wait for what was going to happen (RIVERFEST!!!)

9. My age?: 19

10. My birthday?: April 30th (i hope that's the right day, lol)

11. Hair color?: strawberry blonde, but lately, you've acquired some interesting and pretty brown and red streaks

12. Eye color?: hazel

13. Am I tall or short or average?: average, just like ME cuz we're TWINS

14. Do I have any siblings?: yes... i know there's your sister and your brother and i think you have one more brother... lol... i need to have this down, you just don't talk about them enough

15. (opp. sex) Have you ever had a crush on me?: oh, jessica, i've been waiting for the right moment to tell you, but i was afraid you wouldn't feel the same and didn't know if i could handle the rejection... I LOVE YOU!

16. (same sex) Have you ever been jealous of me? nope, because we're both just exactly as cute as each other because we're TWINS... although EVERYBODY ELSE is inSANELY jealous of us... *sigh* but that's why fate allowed us to be reunited (we were separated at birth, you see, born siamese twins, joined at the earlobe, and tragically separated into different homes and families...)

17. Who am I in love with?: Well, we all know who it WAS, but for now, I'm going to say the only person is TAYLOR... *drools* OUR tay... *sighs dreamily*

18. What is one of my favorite things to do?: you have this thing for dancing, which i don't share, because i'm REALLY bad at it... i know you like to get up in front of people and pretend you're famous and sing karaoke to your legions of fans, but that was only once, and you won't do it for me... :( lol... and of COURSE we all know you like to listen to HANSON and talk to ME and other friends online. i know you like to watch talk shows and cry. *smile* (me too, but shhhh, don't tell!)

19. Do you remember one of the first things I said to you?: *thinks* probably "Hello. This is her." *smile* and then something about hanson. *smile* ummmm... in chat, i think... *thinks really hard and squints her eyes, scratches her head chimpanzee style* yup, it was about hanson. lol

20. What's your funniest memory of me?: OMG! There are SOOOOO many! *thinks* I still laugh my ASS off when I think of you biting that unsuspecting BSB fan at the concert for trying to steal the stuffed animal that they had thrown to YOU... LOL... And then there was the thing you said about how I was soooooo skin and bones that I could just take off running and soar through the air like one of those flying squirrels. I really DID fall out of my chair! lol *thinks* That time we were all in the mall with Justin and that lady thought we were high! I also LOVE all of our little inside jokes that make everybody go, "What the HELL are you talking about?" and then we just laugh even harder at their confusion. *smile* Every little thing we say to each other means something different than what people think. We have our own language. :D I'm also still laughing about your idea of calling Hanson's latest album, "It's About Damn Time". :D GENIUS! PURE GENIUS! They should HIRE you... *hint, hint, wink, wink, nudge, nudge*

21. What's my favorite type of music?: Hmmm... You love BSB, The Calling, BBMak, Lifehouse, and of COURSE Hanson. Your tastes range almost as much as mine do. From rock to pop and back again.

22.What is my best feature?: Physically? I think it's your hair. You have beautiful hair. And your smile is nice, very warm and friendly and contagious. As a Person? You're very understanding, patient, and honest. You have a way of making me smile no matter how upset I am, and talking to me about subjects you're probably exhausted with by now, and still coming up with advice and supportive comments... You're just, an amazing friend.

24. Do you look up or down on me... as a person?: I look straight at you cuz we're the same height cuz we're TWINS, REMEMBER? *sigh* I definitely don't look down on you. I look kind of up to you. You're probably the only person in my life that I go to for the purpose of talking out what I'm feeling and feel like what you say will really, actually have an effect on what I should do next or how I'll feel afterwards. Mostly, when I talk to other people about my problems, I'm just searching for reassurance because I'm a fairly confident person, but you get to see the side of me that's not so confident, and you help me to figure out what to do next, and why I feel the way I feel, or why I shouldn't understand or know what to do and why it's okay. So I guess I do look up to you in a way. And I truly do admire you for going through all you've been through and keeping a smile on your face because I do the same thing, and I know how hard it is, and so many people would take all of that negativity and go somewhere dark, and not come back. And they'd let it consume them and become a negative person. But not you. You're special, you're Jess... And that's why you're my best friend.

26. Am I a leader or a follower?: *thinks* I think a little of both. You lead when it's important, but a lot of times, you put others needs so ahead of your own that you forget to think about what you want to do. It's not a bad thing. Just... A Jess thing. It'll all work out for the better anyway, and we're breaking that cycle by doing something Jess wants (not that I don't want it TOO) and moving her to TULSA! The land of HANSON! and MEEEEE! and... TULSA! LOL (couldn't think of anything else)

27. Am I shy or outgoing?: outgoing. maybe you're a little shy sometimes, but mostly, you're outgoing

28. Can you picture me dancin'?: lol... i don't think i've ever seen you do it (Riverfest doesn't count cuz i couldn't tell what was your dancing and what was the crowd throwing you around in front of the stage with me), but i can see it in my head

30. Would you say I am funny?: YES! well, NO, i would say you're HILARIOUS! *smile* and then i'd laugh just THINKING of all the stupid stuff we talk about that makes me laugh and makes everybody wonder if we're on drugs or escape mental patients or something. :D

31. Am I a rebel or do I follow all the rules?: a little of both. you stand up for yourself and your cause when necessary, but you have your own morals that sort of parallel a lot of the rules, so you follow them. kinda like me. and you know there are times when breaking the rules is important and the right thing to do. so you're the perfect balance between rebellion and conformity.

32. Do I have any special talents?: *thinks* i can't think of anything weird like being able to wiggle your ears... maybe. but if you do, i don't think i know about them. you are a writer and you sing, i know that, but you've never really shown me anything you've written and you won't sing for me alone. *smile* so... i don't know really... i would say that one of them might be your sarcasm. *smile* you have an awesome way with sarcasm. *smile*

33. What's my best accomplishment?: being you... i think i remember you telling me about your awards and 1st place at horse camp, which i am genuinely impressed by since i've never even rode a horse in all my life, and Oklahoma is supposed to be a country state, lol... and i think you're as proud of you as i am for having the courage to move to oklahoma.

34. Would you consider me a friend?: NOOOOOO... I HATE you and i want you NEVER to speak to me again! *cries loudly* I'm SORRY! I didn't MEAN it! The very THOUGHT of us not being fwends makes me SICK! :(( But that's okay, because we IS fwends, and a fwend indeed is a fwend indeed is a fwend INDEED! :D

35. Would you call me preppy, slutty, a homie, average, sporty, punk, hippie,glam, nerdy, snobby, or something else?: Hmmm... Mostly, I just call you Jess or Jessica. *nods* but! we're not any of those things, we're DORKS! so :P

36.Have you ever seen me cry? *thinks* yes. I have. At the cabin, when we were talking about Ray and afterwards, talking about everything else and how pissed off he made you and all that crappy stuff that's WAY behind us now. *chucks a shoe at the imaginary ray and hits him in the head with it. he goes down. grins like a psycho* see?

37. If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be?: JESS! but if that doesn't count, then um... FWEND!

38. What is your favorite thing to do with me?. Risk our LIVES! :D As we have done SOOOOOOO many times. See Hanson. *smile* Or just talk about what's going on and how we feel about stuff that goes on, goof off.

39. Do I drink alcohol?: nope

40. Do I do drugs?: nope

41. Have I ever been there for you?: more times than i can even begin to count on all two hands and all two feet... i don't have enough fingers and toes for it. sorry... i'll try adding it up on paper later. but i don't think there are even enough digits on a calculator for me to do the math. *smile*

42. Am I fun to be with?: NO! You're SUCH a BUMMER! I only hang out with you because you're cute... LOL... OF COURSE you're FUN TO BE WITH! EVERYBODY LOOOOOOOOOOVES YOU! :D

43. Am I smart?: yes

45. Do ya love me?: *hugs* YES

46. Name one way I have changed your life or made an impact in it: Oh wow... You've turned a lot of things I never really thought I'd do that were always in my dreams into a reality. I never did a lot of things I always wanted to and suddenly, when I meet you, I'm doing everything I EVER thought I'd do and then some. *smile* It's no coincidence.

47. Would you kiss me? (opp. sex) hmmm... you KNOW if i was a guy, i would SOOOOOOOOO make out with you. :D

48. Would you go out with me if I asked you?(opp. sex) IF i was a guy, of COURSE i would!


Jess's Answers About Me:

4. How long have you known me?: Since Feburary. I think. Lets seeit was after I moved back home, after I got (which was in jan), so feb sounds good. Almost a year, but it seems like forever.

5. How well do you know me?: Its like that line from the Real World "you think you know, but you have no idea" I THINK I know you well.

6. Do I smoke?: NO and thank goodness. Wouldnt be a good thing to do w/ the asthma & alergy thing.

8. When you first saw me, what was your impression? I thought that you looked exactley how you sounded. Is that possible? I dont know. It wasnt like I was seeing you for the first time, more like re-united.

9. My age?: 19 ALMOST 20!!!! AHHH! NO LONGER A TEENAGER!!

10. My birthday?: Jan 22? Oh dear. I KNOW its in jan.but when????????

11. Hair color?: I dont know now!!!!! ::CRIES:: brown.blondemore brown

13. Am I tall or short or average?: Normal. Like me!! Were not professional basketball player tall or anything, but we certainly arnt "little people"

14. Do I have any siblings?: Yes. Older yet more immature brother Sky (but not spelled like that) Danielle (Dannishes like16?) And Steven (tobias_the_butt_doctor) who is 15.

15. (opp. sex) Have you ever had a crush on me?: Its all a one sided love Rachael!!! Youll break my heart! I only had a crush on you that ONCE! J/k.

16. (same sex) Have you ever been jealous of me? How can I be jealous of you when we are identical. Then it would be like im jealous of myself, which would make me a good guest on Jerry Springer or something.

17. Who am I in love with?: This week? Just kidding.I dont know who you are FOR REALS in love with. I know who you WERE in love with (jerk) but we dont talk about that incident (jerk) because wellhes a jerk. BUT I TAKE IT BACK. HOW DARE I ACCUSE HIM OF SOMETHING THAT ISNT TRUE. See. He really is a jerk. Thats why we stick with loving only people with the name TAYLOR HANSON.

19. Do you remember one of the first things I said to you?: You said "jessicaright?" after I got off the plane with all those cute Arizona baseball players (boy I wish I hadnt fallen asleep). In the chat? I dunno.

20. What's your funniest memory of me?: TOO MANY funny ones!!!! How about that whole night when we read and bonded over the love of two girls who met hanson on an airplane on the way from south carolina to tulsa, and they demanded a private singing of "mmmbop" and then right afterwords were invited to stay at their house (because thats what they do with EVERY fan). And then poor poor Cara severly sprained her ankles, and had to get wooden ones, and not wear sandles anymore, but this was BEFORE taylor fell in love with her and kissed her for 2 minutes in front of the suicidal abbey who tried to kill herself on the same day caras sister fell and hit her head on a rock and kept going into concussions, but was saved when she found out zac loved her, and why shouldnt he?!?! She got ike (the horse boy) hooked up w/ Megan b/c he was lonely. And then they all 3 got engaged/married even if they arnt allowed to drink coke (b/c it makes them hyper) but its their choice if they want to name their twins, which they almost didnt keep, but then the poor girl kept the girls in her overstretched uterus for 11 months, STUPID STUPID names, but they all lived happiley ever after (because with hanson,everything ends well. Even if you take diet pills, and have to drink water for 2 minutes, and see them in their color cordinated boxer/pajamas) That comes to mind ;> Of course the whole being high thing at the Wisconsin mall was fun, AND AND!! IM DEAF!! I CANT SEE YOU!!!!!!

21. What's my favorite type of music?:your tie-dyed!!! You like hanson, and then all those other groups.

22.What is my best feature?: your aura. YOUR AURA IS PURPLE. PURPLE. Its just the way you project yourself.

23. What is my worst feature?: you let yourself get into situations where you are "in the middle" you dont HAVE to, it just happens. And thats sad

24. Do you look up or down on me... as a person?: youre an inspiration to me. You show me that it doesnt matter what everyone else thinks, its what YOU think of yourself, and YOUR happiness that matters.

26. Am I a leader or a follower?: a little from column A, a little from column B. If im leading, your following. If your leading, im following. But I think of you more of a leader. HELLO?! You ARE royalty. REMEMBER? QUEEN of DORKS? You have to be a leader to your people.

27. Am I shy or outgoing?: Outgoing. Although im sure you could be shy if put into a situation that called for it.

28. Can you picture me dancin'?: *note: riverfest was NOT dancing. That was flow of the crowd* Can I? You say you cant, but I can picture you swaying. You have rhythm, and basically if you have rhythm, you can dance.

29. Can you picture me rollin'?: Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner for the gayest question award. ROLLIN??? Like down a hill????????

30. Would you say I am funny?: FUNNY AS HELL. Oh my gosh you make me laugh SO much!!!!

31. Am I a rebel or do I follow all the rules?: Rules were made to be broken sometimes. And you realize that, and have accepted it. You dont rebel just to rebel and get attention like some people do. There is a time and a place for all rebelious actions.

32. Do I have any special talents?: my sarcausm?!? YAY! Im super talented then! Ill start preparing my "Id like to thank the academy" speech right away. Talents? YES, you are talented. You can make people laugh, you write, you sing, you connect.

33. What's my best accomplishment?: can we say that patience is an accomplishment? Because I think that your patience with the whole justin incident was outstanding. Even with my peer pressure you wouldnt block him. You refused to just give up. You dont give up on things. Or on people. And that certainly is an accomplishment. And if that doesnt count, how about your tardy queen award?!?! It takes a special kind..

34. Would you consider me a friend?: NOPE. I just talk to you because I feel sorry for you. (is that what you ment by my sarcasum???) Your MORE then a friend. Youre my bestest estest friend.

35. Would you call me preppy, slutty, a homie, average, sporty, punk, hippie,glam, nerdy, snobby, or something else?: homie? *rolls eyes* what up dawg? WORD. To your MOTHER even. Your rachael. Queen of dorks.

36.Have you ever seen me cry? No. And thats sad. And this is why. When you were upset about that justin thing, you were crying, and I was crying, and I wasnt there for you. And so no, I havnt seen you cry.

37. If there was one good nickname for me, what would it be?: Rach. Although I dont know if I could call you that. Its easier to write, but as far as saying it, I dont know.

38. What is your favorite thing to do with me?. Sing Moulin Rouge in the car, or have a HANSON marathon! YAY!!!!!!

39. Do I drink alcohol?: Not any more *YAY!!!*

40. Do I do drugs?: Not any more *YAY!!!*

41. Have I ever been there for you?: MORE THEN ONCE. MORE THEN TWICE. Let me look at the tally sheet im keeping here.yup. your ahead of me.

42. Am I fun to be with?: Nope. Boring. Its more fun to sit in a bathtub full of siccors, watch paint dry, and watch the grass grow. COME ON NOW. Would I keep coming back if you WERNT FUN???????????????????

43. Am I smart?: Yes. Very edumicated.

45. Do ya love me?: "do you love me do you love me do you love me little pretty?" yes. But we arnt in love.

46. Name one way I have changed your life or made an impact in it: "well were big rock singers, weve got golden fingers and were loved everywhere we go. we sing about beauty and we sing about truth at $10,000 a show. We take all kind of pills that give us all kind of thrills but the thrill that well never know is the thrill that will get you when you get your picture on the cover of rolling stone. Rolling stone wanna see my picture on the cover wanna buy 5 copys for my mother wanna see my smiling face on the cover of the rolling stone"

47. Would you kiss me? (opp. sex) oh yeah. SASSIRICIOUS sexy/sassy

48. Would you go out with me if I asked you?(opp. sex) Depends. Where do you want to go???