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Frequently Asked Questions

A few things people ask me a lot...

Q: "You like HANSON?" *snottily*
A: No, f*ckerpants. I wear this shirt cuz I want morons to ask me stupid questions. Here's your sign. *hands person a sign with the word "STOOPID" scrawled across it in black paint*

Q: "What's Tulsa like?"
A: It's a LOT like... Tulsa. *shrugs* I LOVE it, but not everybody feels the same way. I say if you're bored then you're boring. There are things to do. You just have to have an imagination and a sense of adventure.

Q: (At the grocery store as I'm writing a check) "You're old enough to have a CHECK BOOK???" (mouth forms a little "o" of surprise and then goes back to sacking my groceries, waiting for me to explain my young appearance)
A: (sighing slightly as I rip the check from my checkbook) "Yeah... I'll be 20 next month." (she looks at me like I'm crazy till I hand her my driver's license...) "I know... I look young... but... I'm not..."
Um... yeah, I look 15 or so sometimes. It's partly cuz a lot of the clothes I wear are just tshirts and jeans and my hair is curly and I have freckles and a round face. People look at me like I'm INSANE when I try to buy cigarettes for my dad, but when I show them the ID, they look at it and back at me, then at the DOB on it again, and shrug... Someday, I'll look 18, but prolly not till I'm 35.