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Here are all my goofy friends, family members, and pets... I think there's even some scenery in here somewhere, lol... Enjoy!

My Cherub at 4 months; Actual size=180 pixels wide

My Cherub...

This is my Daniel... Sometimes he's more of an imp than a cherub, but I love him either way. He's not really, technically mine, but I take care of him 45 hours a week because I'm his nanny, and I've been taking care of him since he was 2 weeks old and he's 10 months now, almost 11. He'll always be mine...

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Goofy Bastards, lol

Top Row: Nick is the hairy ape... Kristina is the dark blonde girl next to him. Michelle is the curly headed girl on the right. Bottom Row: I'm the brunette with the big dorky smile on her face and Brandy is the redhead on my right.

MyJess; Actual size=180 pixels wide


Jess da duck - My fwend

This is Jessica, my partner in fansonism (def-the practice of being an obsessed fan of Hanson) as well as death-defying stunts of spectacular courage and dorkiness... I love her to death. She lives in Arizona at the moment, but she's coming to visit soon and then this summer, she's moving in. Miss you, Jess. ;)



This is me before I got my haircut... That's the longest I've EVER had my hair in my whole entire life because I can't commit to one length or color or anything. It was almost past my shoulderblades in the back. See the blonde at the ends though? I had dyed over it with a color close to my natural one, but you can still see the goldish, lighter brown toward the bottom. That drove me nuts. That's why I cut it, mostly. I like this pic because you can see my eyecolor, even though I'm squinting at the flash.



This is my most recent picture of me. It's not even a month old. My aunt chopped most of my long, wavy hair off (I told her shoulder-length and chin-length is what I got). I love it though. It's much curlier now and all that icky blonde dyed to death hair is all gone. I look like a deer caught in headlights in this pic though, LOL...


Kristina and Nick

This is my roommate and her boyfriend. Aren't they cute? He finally gave her the ring last weekend. Pretty little saphire thing on a platinum band with tiny little diamonds... *smile* IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME! :D



This is Jason K (in the middle, on the couch, holding the LEFT side of the dog, lol)... He's in Pennsylvania... Isn't he CUTE? *smile* Maybe it's just me, but I don't think so. lol... And he's not just eye-candy either. The boy has brains and even a SOUL, which is almost unheard of for most boys, especially when they're cute. *giggles and blushes* :P




Kayde lives in Indiana. She's 15, cracks me up. She's Justin's ex too. Sounds like a Jerry Springer episode, huh? LOL


Prom Queen 2000

Crazy, isn't it? Me? Prom Queen? I swear it's true. And standing next to me is the most popular guy in school, class president. LOL, it's RIGHT out of a FRICKIN TEEN MOVIE! But it wasn't really like that. I went with friends. Brandy was my "date". My mom made my dress. My friends conspired to get me crowned and it was the shock of my life. It took five minutes just for me to register that they'd said my name, cuz I was upstairs and decided I didn't care who was Prom Queen... Then I walked downstairs and the crowd parted for me and all my friends were yelling, "Rachael! Get your dumbass up here!" lol... Such a fairy tale... *rolls her eyes* It was cool though. Jackie's girlie was a good friend of mine and she made us take all these pictures together. *smile* Aaahhhh, memories...


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Younger, Dumber Me

Okay, cut me some slack cuz I think I was all of about 16 in these pictures... I thought I was gothic or something... But I didn't quite fit there because with my black combat boots, long skirts, and black tights and dark makeup, I also wore a black Hanson shirt... Needless to say, I was not accepted into the "clique". I was dumb. Now I'm just plain old me. Not in any category, just me. I'm better now. *smile*


My Sister, Danielle

This is my younger sis, Danielle. She's 17. She's online with me a lot. We've gotten along a lot better since I moved out. Her hair is not naturally black. She's got dark blonde hair underneath it all and hers is even curlier than mine. She's taller than me, too. Everybody used to think we were twins when we were little, and now they think she's MY older sister... I gave her that haircut. ;)


Mir Dawg

This is my puppy. His name is Mir (like the Russian space station). It means "peace" in Russian. My roommate and I named him. We're insanely hippyish... He's a dalmation mix and he's really sweet, but he's not much on brains... *shakes her head*


Meow Cow/Moo Cat

This is Jessie. She's obese. *smile* It said so on her vet records when we got her from the SPCA. I wouldn't mind that she's so fat (you can't really see her full girth in this picture, lol) because I think she's cute and so cuddly... But she weezes when she walks... We've tried putting her on diets, but she continues to gain weight and waddle around the house on disappearing legs... *sighs and shakes her head* Poor Jessie...


My Tattoo

This is a sketch I did of the tattoo that's on my right shoulderblade. It's my own design and it's been there for about three years, since I was seventeen. Tattoos are illegal in Oklahoma, but I found a way around that little detail. :D (most people do)


Kristina's Grandma

This is an old picture of one of the most wonderful women I know. She's taken me under her wing more times than I can count and I am eternally grateful to her for it. I love this because her smile is so full of feeling, enthusiasm, energy. *smile* She's beautiful. The little girl in the pic is Kristina.


Kristina at Prom

Doesn't she look beatiful? That dress looks exactly like this one that Jennifer Lopez wore to some awards show. She didn't plan it that way, but J-lo's was a Versace or something and probably cost well over $2000 and Kristina picked hers up at JC Penny for a little under $150 :D
