If You're Bored


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A few little sites to keep you amused, entertained, or at least occupied:

In no particular order...


1. Kate - A shameless plug for you... It has journal entries... Some of the things on the site parallel the things on mine, mostly just the journal entries, because she reads mine and I read hers... This girl is crazy and hilarious. I don't understand some of the humor because it's very British, but it's funny anyway...

Kate the Great - President of the PIAHS Clan



2. A very unusual fanfic - This is the FUNNIEST thing I've EVER read in my WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE!!! It's so stupid and childish and cliche and after-school-special-ish that I cried and couldn't breathe while reading it. This girl moves to Tulsa, with Diana Hanson (their mom) as her real estate agent and Diana invites her and her sister back to their house to STAY with them because they have no place to stay until they find a house... And of COURSE they fall madly in love with Zac and Tay and become their girlfriends. One of the sisters gets such a bad "case of sprained ankles" that she has to have them amputated and get wooden ones... Jess and I are constantly mentioning this and it's one of our biggest and funniest inside jokes... Watch for details, like how they get married at around 13 and have kids at 16 and Tay's girlie carries his twins for like, 6 trimesters... Gotta read it, even if you don't like Hanson. You'll piss yourself...



3. Interviews - These are at Hanson Hotel, a reputable Hanson site... Includes audio clips and whole interviews, also songs ("Strong Enough to Break" and accoustic of "Sure About It" and "Wish That I Was There"). If you look around the site you'll find that there are lots of Hanson pictures and goodies. It's not, but it's free and I trust it.

Hanson Hotel


4. Weird n Crazy - This is a cool little Hanson site I found. I think it's a newsletter. The things I liked about it were the design, the pictures, and the quotes from what other celebreties had to say about Hanson. Some of them are really funny. There's tons of stuff on this site and I think you can buy a subscription to the fan mag too... (click the picture below to go to the site)



5. Pictures - This is a geocities fan site. I hate geocities, but there are some really good pix here...

Hanson Pictures



6. Crazy Cannibal Sex Fiend Kitties Cartoon - This is the weirdest thing I've ever seen... It's cute at the same time. It's not terribly graphic or crude or anything, but that's by my standards, so... *smile* You have to see it anyway. You'll laugh your ass off. The sequel is even funnier... The Samuri bunny one is funny too.

Brain-smellin Kitty

Sequel (S & M Kittie...)


7. Did you ever stand there and pop bubble wrap for hours when you were a kid? Or just pop the bubbles one at a time until your mom and/or dad took it from you and told you to "Cut that out, DAMMIT!!!"? I did... But this is even more effortless and neverending... Do it in CYBERSPACE!

Pop Bubble Wrap - Hours of pointless enjoyment!


8. Spank Da Monkey - This is something Libby gave me... You drag the hand to the monkey's bum and it tells you how hard you spanked him... :D

Spank Da Monkey!


9. Quee! - It's a video game... I suck at it. You're supposed to shoot the little potatoes before they crash into you or you DIE! Interesting concept... O_o




10. Admiral Twin - My OTHER Tulsa boys. This is their official site. I'm not going to stop until the whole world is as obsessed with them as I am.

Admiral Twin


11. Mixman Radio - This is a site for people who make techno music. I'm not a big fan of techno, but there are some good songs on here and it makes a nice background beat to whatever you happen to be doing at the time.

Mixman Radio


12. The Cheap Suits - A little indie band, at the moment. Listen to "I'm In Love With the Lead Singer"... It's about Taylor Hanson. It's funny because he says at some point in the song that he was in love with him until he found out he was a man. *smile* And since I'm SO in love with them, I can laugh at them... ;)

The Cheap Suits



13. This is a site for Yahoo emoticons (the little happy faces). It tells how to make each of them. The only one nobody knows is the ghost.

Yahoo Emoticons


14. Translation - Language... Translate from English to Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French, German... Has proved very useful to me. I once translated the entire Braum's menu to Spanish for a girl who didn't speak any English... She quit the next day, but that's not the point...



15. Measure - English to metric or vice versa... Ever have somebody from Australia or some other place tell you that it was 30 degrees Celsius or that they weighed 56 grams and it confused the hell out of you? Yeah... So have I. So I come to this site to sort things out...

Translating Units of Measure



16. Drop Dead Gorgeous - I LOVE this movie... It still makes me crack up. I wish I OWNED it. :( This is ten lines from the movie. They make me laugh because I remember the whole thing. I don't know if you'll get it if you haven't seen it, but you might think it's funny anyay...

Drop Dead Gorgeous Lines