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If you DO give a f*ck or just wonder what the hell is going on in my brain or maybe you're wanting to be one of those lovely people who tell me how much I suck or how weird I am, go ahead and email. I can't bite you from my computer.

Just click this address to send me mail:

This is how you get to Admiral Twin, my OTHER hometown boys. Click the link below and then just type "Admiral Twin" in the little search box when the site comes up... Remember to listen to "Eustice and Isadore" and "Blessed Imperial". Those are my recommendations.

Admiral Twin on

OOOOOOORRR! You can click on the picture below of my boys (AREN'T THEY CUTE?) and it will take you to a magical place called where you can read about their misadventures as a downtrodden, underrated pop/rock group in Tulsa and on tour with Hanson. They're hilarious, all four of them. The "Stories" section is great. Lots of good late-night reading there. Just click the pic and say, "there's no place like home! there's no place like home!" but you have to MEAN it. lol... (I AM A DORK)
