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Some friends of mine whose sites are WAY better than mine because they actually KNOW what they're doing, lol...


This is fly's site... He's a friend of mine on yahoo. He's like a musical collage artist. Takes bits and pieces and mixes them all up and I really love the sound. It's like techno, but I usually hate techno, so it's not really. It's darker and calmer, but still instense. My two favorites are probably "Gizmo" and "Snowed In". His art is impressive too. I particularly love the fairies. Some of it's a little... "adult oriented", so be forewarned. It's not crude, but an eye-opener for the conservative for sure...


Libby RAWKS... This is all her original work. She's an obsessive gargoyles and sci fi fan and a phenomenal artist and she does it all with these really fancy markers. See for yourself. There's animation, sketches, pix, etc.