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Why I love these people more than anything in the WORLD... (in no particular order and I'm still adding, so don't get pissy)


You're just the most British person I've ever known and you make me laugh and you're the only person EVER to call me a "cheeky bitch". *smile* Besides, you offered to rub glitter in that f*cktard's eyes for me and that's something that not everyone would do for me. It takes a special kind to come up with that kind of creative revenge. You're a great writer and a pleasure to talk to, an honor to know. *bows* I love ya Kate.

Kate the Great: her site


She's just one of those rare people who clicks with everybody and is just a beautiful person, inside and out. All of my guy friends think she's cute, and every guy I know just about. I don't know why she doesn't have herds of persuers, but it's probably because she's so damn cute that she intimidates them... We've been through a lot together, even if we were over 1,000 miles away, we were together in conversation and in spirit. I miss you when you're gone, and when you're here, there's no comparison to the glow you give off that contaminates me and makes me smile all over in that lovely way you do... I love you Jess, but don't forget... I'm not IN love with you because I want to be with you but I don't. (she gets it even if you're all raising your eyebrows and calling me a crazy bitch and shaking your heads) ;)


Because you always know what to say, and when you don't, you can still fake it so well. Because you're too perfect to be male. Because you're not a crude, insensitive pervert. Because you listen to me, you support me, and you value my opinions and my friendship.


Because you are as in love with Silverchair as me and love Hanson just as much. You're real and honest and I love that about you.


You pervert! HA! I love to hear you bitch about your days at Tim Horton's because it reminds me of when I was at Braum's... Seems sometimes that we live parallel lives in different countries. You're the only one who knows what the hell I'm talking about when I talk about Much Music!


I'm sorry I don't call often enough... I have no excuse other than that I'm a lazy bastard and you should beat the hell out of me. I'll work on it, I promise. I know I only read that one little short story that you wrote for English at TCC, but it was written so beautifully and she was right to kick you out and make you take a higher level class. You fascinate me with your worldliness and I am sometimes jealous of all you've seen and accomplished. Someday we really will go to Ireland.


I know we don't always get along, but what could we expect when we live together? The important thing is that we're there for each other when it really counts and after almost 7 years, I can still honestly say that you're my best friend and my sister. We're just around each other so much that we've gotten comfortable enough with one another to be really honest and honesty can lead to insults and hurt feelings, but it's worth it and there's nobody I would've picked to be my guardian angel and partner in spiritual enlightenment over you. I try not to be your mother, not to be bitchy. I can't help it sometimes though because you know me... It has to be my way or I go insane... But you're the perfect you and I love you even if I complain. You're the best, even if you can't remember to put the toilet paper on the roll. (j/k) *smile*


You are such a typical male in so many ways and then so extraordinary and unique in others... I don't think you'll ever even read this, but I admire you and you're one of the few hopes I have left for the male gender. *smile* And if you ever took any of my teasing to heart, you shouldn't have. I never believed you were dumb. Your intelligence surpasses mine in a lot of areas. I look up to you like a big brother sometimes. And when I thought my grandfather was in the hospital and was going to die and I was feeling really shaken, Kristina hugged me and that made it so much better, but when you hugged me and added that extra person's support, it made a big difference and meant a lot to me. I love you, you hairy ape...