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Audio Clips


Me Singing:

Yeah, this is me singing, but don't get too attached to it or too discouraged by it. I can do lots better. These were really just me playing around, and I happened to have the mic on... I can't re-record them right now because my voice is gone from being sick, but I just couldn't wait, and I got tired of not being able to sing, so this is the closest thing I could do...


1. This is a Jewel song from "Pieces of You"... Terribly tragic song about a girl who's childhood friend is rendered catatonic (basically a vegetable) after a canoeing accident and she vows to come visit and check in on him from time to time and just kind of watch over him... Sobworthy...

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2. This is a Fiona Apple song called "Pale September" from her album, "Tidal"... Her songs are like poems and I'm not really sure as to the meaning of this one, but I think it's about infatuation and letting your guard down for someone who seems to be the contradiction to the reason you had your guard up in the first place (and he usually isn't)...

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3. This is a Fiona Apple song from "When the Pawn..." called "Love Ridden"... It's one of my favorite ones to sing and this is my favorite part to sing. Reminds me of an old love of mine... It's really just about loving someone, and even though you know it's over, you wish for the affection again, want to kiss him, want to call him baby, but you don't let yourself, because you know it's just a scar, and that it will hurt more if you drag it out, knowing it's over... So you try to pretend he's just another person in your life, you wave, you say hello, call him by his name instead of whatever little stupid pet name you had for him at the time, and you hope that eventually, you'll start to believe what you tell yourself and the pain and longing will go away... There are two versions on here... One is shorter than the other, and faster, and slightly more dramatic-sounding, I think, because I was trying to fit it into a shorter file so I could send it through hotmail, and it was too big originally.

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4. This is another Fiona Apple song (I'm something of a fan of hers, if you couldn't tell) from "When the Pawn..." called "A Mistake"... It's about breaking the rules and doing what someone told you not to just to see for yourself what it's like, and actually enjoying the wrong path and finding it to be an adventure. Sounds a lot like me. ;)

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1. Okay, this is my horrible first attempt at playing the guitar. I'd hardly even touched a guitar in my whole life and didn't have the slightest idea how to use the damn thing or how it even made different pitches, but I was playing around with it and discovered the magic of frets and such, and "Mary Had a Little Lamb" is something that I can play on just about ANY instrument (the piano, the telephone, lol), so I decided to try it. I've since learned to play "Twinkle Twinkle" and "America, the Beautiful" and am now reading tabs and trying to learn chords. Keep in mind that this was recorded THREE days after I GOT the thing and the only reason I put it here is for laughs. So laugh, dammit!

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