The Art of Bitching


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Bitch, bitch, bitch... or whatever...

Okay, so I don't get too caught up with bitching in my journal, I'm going to use this page too, to tell you about people who piss me off and paste pieces of conversations... To talk about new products that piss me off, or any emails I might get. This is where I'll post your insults if you send them. :D Have fun... This page should expand REALLY quickly because I'm a talented bitcher.

COMPLAINT # 1, PORNBOTS: You know... those IMs you get while you're chatting from some moron who has some special software allowing them to send out mass IMs and there isn't really anybody talking to you, it's just like a commercial. I have about 200 of these things, which most people refer to as "porn bots" on ignore right now... I know they aren't real and they certainly can't write back, but I can't resist telling them off sometimes just to make me feel better. Here's an example...

candi_in_college: I'm away at college... My parents can't see all the naughty things I've been doing, but you can...
Rachy: to hell, to hell pornbot
Rachy: in a handbasket
Rachy: indeed
Rachy: bye bye now
Rachy: iggyland is now your new home
Rachy: die and burn in it

COMPLAINT # 2, PEOPLE WHO DON'T GIVE THE BELLRINGER MONEY: Okay... If you have no money, or you don't have cash, I understand, but the poor guy is standing outside in FREEZING cold weather with that stupid lookin apron and santa hat on and ringing that bell for CHARITY and he even opens the damn DOOR for you and you can't smile and tell him THANK YOU? I don't know how you bastards do it... I honestly don't... I mean, I for one, feel pretty guilty walkin by that guy when I'm broke and not bein able to put anything in his empty little tin bucket... So when I get paid, I usually slip him a five and a couple of ones the next day and the next until I run out of money (which is usually a few days after payday, lol) and since I work in retail, I have to look at the guy EVERY time I walk in or out of that door, so I ALWAYS smile at him and say thank you or sometimes "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays" or whatever... And I watch bastard after bastard walk through that door as that poor old guy holds it open, seeing his breath hang in the frozen air and they just hurry in like he's a doorstop. He's there to open the door for them. He's not collecting money for people who can't AFFORD to be so f*ckin snotty... NOOOOOO, that would make too much SENSE and it would be something GOOD for someone ELSE without getting anything in RETURN, which is obviously a ridiculous idea. Nobody does that anymore, do they? Surely not. ASSHOLES! PUT SOME MONEY IN THE FUCKING BUCKET OR AT LEAST THANK THE GUY FOR HOLDING THE DOOR OPEN FOR YOUR FRUMPY, RICH, SNOTTY ASS!!! IT'S ONLY HUMAN DECENCY! DON'T THEY TEACH YOU THAT IN THOSE FANCY COLLEGES AND PRIVATE SCHOOLS???

COMPLAINT # 3, SANTA CLAUSE: Okay, I've seen kids bawling their little eyes out because they JUST found out Santa wasn't real. I know a couple who drags their kids out of bed every Christmas Day at ungodly hours of the morning so they can MEET "Santa Clause" (dad was conveniently still asleep). Mommy caught Santa EVERY year so her kids could see him. I also have an uncle who dressed up as Santa at our family Christmas party and got SOOOO SLOSHED and then stumbled around, asking everybody what they wanted for Christmas. They all laughed and said "Santa musta got into the 'Christmas spirit' a little early this year..." but it saddened me. There were children present and he made a total ass of himself. Santa Clause isn't just pretend, isn't just a story to those kids. Santa's real. People try so hard to convince their children of this. And kids believe it until they're as old as 10. So now, it's not a story you're telling. It's a lie. Plaina and simple. And what happens to the poor kids who's parents can't afford presents? Are they to think they got nothing because they were bad? One more misery to add to the lives of a poverty-stricken family at Christmas. THAT is why when I walk in the mall I have the urge to brain the fat bastard with a giant candy cane or light his beard on fire. And no, I'm not bitter from having once believed. My parents never fed me that horsesh*t. I knew the story, but it was never impressed upon me as fact. I'm glad.

COMPLAINT # 4 - BOYS!!! Okay... I don't hate them all. I really don't. For one thing, that wouldn't be possible with as much as I love Hanson. For another, some of them are so amazing... Some of them make me forget that the others have been such assholes to me. Plus, the whole lesbian thing just isn't me... (sorry girls, I know you're heartbroken...) But what is THIS sh*t???

"I love you, but I'm not IN love with you."

*growls maddeningly for lack of coherent things to say*

OH! OH! And we can't forget THIS!

"It's like I want to be with you, but I don't."

Is there some alternate universe where any of this CRAP makes sense? I'd like to go there so I can slap every one of the people in it right across the face.

"We had an attachment."

What? You were glued to my ass for a month or something? Tell it like it is, dumbass... You were my boyfriend and I was your girlfriend. God, it sickens me to type it, but it's the TRUTH at least, and it doesn't come off sounding all anal and stupid like, "We had an attachment."

How does one person say something like these things to another person and still come out thinking they're NOT an asshole? I don't understand that. Morons, the lot of them! (Britishness of Kate rearing its head in my writing, lol)